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On-Campus Private Bus Stop Application

License Agreement Application

This application is intended for private entities requesting access to the Texas State University San Marcos campus, as part of a courtesy apartment shuttle service between an apartment complex (Property) and the campus, specifically for embarking and debarking of riders.

If multiple Properties, regardless of ownership, are to be served by the same shuttle, route, or combination thereof, each property must submit a separate application, license agreement, and payment to the University.

Costs are per vehicle per route.

Property Owner Information:

Property owner refers to the individual or entity that owns and manages the specific apartment complex referred to in this application, and is authorized to enter into agreements for the property.  Company Representative must be an employee of the Property Owner.

Corporate Address

Company Contact Information

Company Representative

Company Authorized Signer

Contact information of the company representative that is authorized to sign a contract/enter into a legal agreement with Texas State University

Property Information:

Property refers to a residential building or a group of buildings that is owned, managed, or advertised as a distinct apartment complex.

Property Address

Transit Operator:

The private entity that will be providing transportation services between the Property and the TXST San Marcos campus.

Transit Operator Company Representative

Transit Operator Corporate Address

Vehicle Information:

Vehicle ADA accessible: *
Vehicle Type: *
Vehicle Fuel Type: *

Operation Schedule:

Days of Operation: *
Select all that apply

Stop Locations and Access Route

All locations must be coordinated and authorized by Transportation Services prior to the start of service. 

On-Campus Stop Locations

Requested Stop *
Initial License Fee - $5,000 each; additional vehicle - $3,000 each; 1 contract total; first-come, first-served.
Initial License Fee - $4,000 each; additional vehicle - $2,000 each; 3 contracts total; first-come, first-served.

Payment and Tax Information

Payment Type
*A $100 convenience fee will be assesed for online credit card payments.
Do you need a copy of Tax Form W-9? *

Approvals and Acceptance

Approvals *
Contract and Payment *
Failure to pay or sign the contract will result in the vehicles being not allowed on campus and may jepordize furture requests.
Insurance Requirements *
Insurance requirements available on request.
Authorization *